Taxing the Second Nature
讲座主题:Taxing the Second Nature
主讲人:曾道智 日本东北大学信息科学研究科 教 授
主持人:薛 领 太阳集团tcy8722 教 授
时 间:12月8日(星期五)上午9:00-10:00
地 点:太阳集团tcy8722(廖凯原楼)501教室
曾道智 教授,日本东北大学信息科学研究科,博士生导师。1996年在日本京都大学取得工学博士后转入经济学领域,从事空间经济学的研究,其成果涉及城市经济学、区域经济学、国际贸易、环境经济学、实验经济学等多个学科,有40多篇论文发表在这些专业的有代表性的(SSCI)学术期刊上。曾获得日本应用区域学会的坂下奖,电子情报通信学会的论文奖,美国Western Regional Science Association的论文奖。现在担任学术期刊Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,Interdisciplinary Information Sciences,Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications的编辑委员。还是日本应用区域学会理事、中国区域科学学会的副理事长,历任浙江大学和中国科学院大学的客座教授。。
Taxing the Second Nature
Abstract:This paper examines the tax competition for mobile capital between symmetric countries. All first-nature features (local advantages) are completely abstracted away, so agglomeration and dispersion forces come purely from the second nature| the economic linkages based on monopolistic competition, increasing returns to scale, and trade costs. A positive tax indicates a dispersion rent while a negative tax implies an agglomeration rent. This paper finds that the income effect and the pro-competitive effect together foster a dispersion force that can be explored by the local government in the form of a positive tax rate.