主持人:李强教授 (太阳集团tcy8722)
菲利普?内莫(Philippe Nemo), 法国当代知名哲学家、政治思想史专家。毕业于法国圣克鲁高师,获文学和人文科学博士学位,先后任教于图尔大学、法国高等研究实践学院,现任欧洲管理学院教授,兼巴黎高等商学院经济哲学研究中心主任。早期主要研究奥地利哲学家哈耶克,曾出版《什么是西方》、《欧洲自由主义史》、《古典与中世纪政治思想史》(三卷)、《近现代政治思想史》等书。其中,他的“政治思想史系列”是法国各个大学、研究机构的经典教学用书。
By what series of historical encounters did Western civilization become the combination of the rule of law, democracy, intellectual liberties, critical rationality, science, and economic freedom founded on private property? The story begins with the Greeks, who invented scientific speculation and the ideal of the city, in which individual lives are no longer submerged in a vast sea of humanity. . . . Each person now has individuality and character. To this the Romans added their invention of private law, whereby they invented the individual human person. The next stage is Christianity or, rather, the impact of biblical religion and spirituality. It brought a new morals and, as a consequence, a new sense of historical responsibility. Fourth root: the synthesis of the biblical ethics with Greek science and Roman law, made at the time of the "papal revolution" of 11th-13th centuries. Lastly, the democratic changes made in Modern times by Dutch, English, American and French Revolutions. All this created what we call the West. Have some of the values and institutions thus invented by Westerners an interest for other cultures? Conversely, what the West can and should learn from other civilizations?